What You Should Know About Aquila Resources’ Back Forty Project
By Al Gedicks
Executive Secretary, Wisconsin Resources Protection Council
June 28, 2017
Aquila’s Back Forty Project is not accurately described in the Mine Permit Application (MPA) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
*Aquila Resources wants to develop a large open pit (2000 ft.wide, 2500 ft. long and 750 ft. deep) massive gold-zinc sulfide mine 150 feet from the Menominee River, encroaching upon the floodplain. Underground mining plans have not been disclosed to the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) but could include mining under the Menominee River. Aquila’s permit application says the Life of Mine (LOM) operation is planned to be approximately 7 years but the Back Forty is actually described as a 16 year mine in every press release published by Aquila Resources.