Editorial Note: Al Gedicks is a legend. We are pleased to share this interview with Al recounting the mining and Indigenous struggles of the 1970s-1990s in occupied Turtle Island, in the area known as Wisconsin, USA. Professor Gedicks emerges from the anti-war/military struggle in the 1960s, and militant action on the University Wisconsin-Madison campus, recounted in the book: RADS: The 1970 Bombing of the Army Math Research Center at the University of Wisconsin and Its Aftermath by Tom Bates (1992). Al’s work would continue by researching imperialism in Latin America, the American Indian Movement (AIM) and the struggle against mines in Great Lakes region. This interview, we hope, serves to remind people of these struggles and connect generations with this past, all-the-while reminding everyone that many of the extractivism issues, governmental institutions and non-governmental betrayals are not new, but continuous into the present.