June 2015 Newsletter
June 11, 2015
Dear WRPC Member,
First, I want to thank you for your past support of the Wisconsin Resources Protection Council’s work to ensure that mining operations do not result in unacceptable damage to our state’s environment and economy.
As you may know, something happened last year that could put a chilling effect on the ability of citizens to stand up for their water.
The Wisconsin Resources Protection Council was a plaintiff in a Clean Water Act lawsuit against Rio Tinto, one of the largest multinational mining corporations in the world. Their Flambeau Mine near Ladysmith, Wisconsin polluted a tributary to the Flambeau River and has harmed the health of the water.
Now here’s the good news – we won the case demonstrating that the mine had polluted Stream C with copper and zinc!
But the bad news is that the decision was overturned by the Court of Appeals on a technicality – a mistake that was made by the state of Wisconsin, and not because our case wasn’t strong.
Amazingly, incredulously, all three plaintiffs together, including us, were ordered to pay the polluter’s court costs—which total over $60,000.
Wisconsin Resources Protection Council now owes the mining company $20,000. I couldn’t believe it. The company polluted, but we had to pay!
Will you help us cover these costs with a donation today?
If polluters can get away with bullying citizen groups like ours for trying to enforce the Clean Water Act, it will have a chilling effect on our ability and willingness to speak up about these issues.
With your help, we’ll pay the fees. But we won’t stop fighting to make sure mines don’t harm our state’s precious water supplies, the tourism and dairy industries, and the many Native American communities that are located near potential mine sites.
I believe you too are proud of Wisconsin Resources Protection Council’s deep history being the watchdog and looking out for your clean water. We have always been there protecting your health and the natural beauty of our region.
Your support today, will allow us to continue our focus to keep mines accountable. Will you stick with us and help us now?
I first got involved in the Flambeau mine when I was a sociology student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the late 1970s. Little did I know that for the next nearly 40 years I would dedicate my volunteer time to helping communities protect their natural resources from the impacts of mining.
Since 1982, the Wisconsin Resources Protection Council has remained true to its origins—we continue to be an entirely volunteer-run grassroots organization, with a tiny budget, and the ability to take hard lines on mining issues.
Your donation can help us protect citizen voices and continue to protect Wisconsin’s natural resources and way of life from being affected by mining.
Over the years we have had some great victories, such as:
- The once so-called Crandon Mine – which resulted in the transfer of mineral rights to two tribes that vowed never to develop the site.
- The adoption of “Prove it First” legislation – that says a mine has to show where they have a non-polluting mine before they can receive a mining permit.
- Our Clean Water Act lawsuit—despite the final ruling, we showed that mining pollutes.
- Gogebic Taconite’s withdrawal of its proposal for mountain top removal of the Penokee Hills after sustained grassroots opposition from citizens, tribes and local governments.
We won’t be silenced by a big, international corporate bully! Wisconsin Resources Protection Council is continuing our work to protect Wisconsin from ecologically destructive mining projects.
Will you be there for us now? Please help with a donation today. To donate to the fund, please visit the Indiegogo online fundraising page.
If we all pitch in a little—we can reach our goal quickly. Isn’t that what citizen activism is all about? And don’t forget to check out “Defeating the Iron Mines in Wisconsin” on the WRPC webpage: www.wrpc.net
With Gratitude,
Al Gedicks, Executive Secretary
P.S. Don’t let corporations and the courts silence communities and citizens. Please donate today.