Keepers of the Water Screening & Discussion with Anahkwet & Dr. Al Gedicks
Post-screening discussion of Keepers of the Water, a 1996 documentary produced by the Wisconsin Resources Protection Council featuring the activists who eventually helped defeat the Crandon mine proposal (watch it here before viewing the discussion!). Water@UW-Madison hosted a screening and discussion with Director Al Gedicks & Anahkwet (Guy Reiter), Executive Director of Menīkānaehkem, Inc. The panel was moderated by UW Doctoral Candidate Justyn Huckleberry and put on with support from the Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science (CUAHSI) and Wolf River Action Committee.
Keepers of the Water is a documentary about a diverse coalition of environmental activists that defeated the Exxon and Rio Algom proposed copper-zinc metallic sulfide mine and toxic waste dump at the headwaters of the Mahwāēw- Sēpēw (Menominee)/Wolf River (English translation), in Crandon, Wisconsin.